Student discovers new dinosaur species

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Mike Taylor, a university student, studying for his Ph.D. (advanced academic degree) in Paleontology ( the study of prehistoric life forms), discovered a brand new species of dinosaur, while conducting research at the Natural History Museum in the United Kingdom.

The new species was identified as part of the Sauropod family of dinosaurs. The sauropods were four-legged, herbivorous (vegetarian) dinosaurs, with very long necks and tails, and relatively small skulls and brains. One of their most unusual features was their nostril, which was higher up in their head, almost near the eye sockets. The Sauropod bones have been found in every continent except Antarctica, and they are one of the longest living group of dinosaurs, spanning over a 100 million years.

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This new species, slightly smaller than the other Sauropods, about 50 - 65ft long and weighing around 2.8 tonnes, lived about 140 million years ago.

Mike Taylor, who has spent five years studying Sauropod vertebrae, immediately knew that this was the dorsal vertebrae (backbone) of a Sauropod. However, he had never seen one like this before. Further research proved this was indeed a new kind of Sauropod. The bone, which had been discovered in the 1890's, over 100 years ago, had never been examined. The new species has been named Xenoposeidon Proneneukus, which means forward-sloping alien earthquake god - ever wonder who names these things?

Watch the video below for an artist's depiction of what this creature may have looked like.

Sources: The,

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  • pepeabout 6 years
    this is good for what i do
    • pepsils
      pepsilsover 6 years
      Dinosaurs are really cool 🦕
      • Ark is bestgameover 6 years
        wow i love dinos so this article is perfect for me
        • FLUFFY UNICORNover 6 years
          Amazing. I couldn't find why he did it though... I might not have read it all. But if there isn't a reason why. There definitely should be! 10/10 article though!
          • PINKFLUFFEWIQHXover 6 years
            Hi, Im pickfluffe! This article was very interesting!!!!! I enjoyed reading it because it tells you some more dinosaurs that are appearing in this world! :D
            • Bishopover 6 years
              I never new any university person could find a dinosaur bigger than him
              • enzosalover 6 years
                that is dope
                • SHANDYover 6 years
                  That is so so cool
                  • eaglegamer
                    eaglegameralmost 7 years
                    • Hailey Halealmost 7 years