Game Boy Inducted To The 'Toy Hall Of Fame'

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Earlier this week, Nintendo's Game Boy was inducted to the National Toy Hall of Fame, along with the Big Wheel and the Ball!

While the Game Boy was selected for revolutionizing the gaming industry and for making gaming as ubiquitous as books, the Ball, was selected because it is one of those toys that never goes out of style - All of us love kicking around one, no matter how old we get!

Other toys that were nominated, but failed to make it, included, Cabbage Patch dolls, playing cards, the Rubik's Cube and sidewalk chalk.

If nominees like sidewalk chalk, ball and playing cards may seem like ordinary toys, they are - but that's exactly what the folks at the 'Strong National Museum of Play', which started this in 1988, are looking for - toys that have been enjoyed and sustained over a number of years, and are not just this year's Christmas frenzy.

A good example of that is one of last year's winners - a stick, something we have had ever since life began and something that we all love to trip over, throw or simply brandish at our 'foes'.

Other toys that sit pretty in this 'Hall of Fame' include classics like a jump rope, Hula Hoop, teddy bear, Candyland, Jigsaw puzzle, Jacks, Monopoly, Mr. Potato Head, Barbie and even a simple cardboard box.

Located inside the Strong National Museum of Play in Rochester, New York, the Toy Hall of Fame, houses original and updated versions off all 44 toys. Nominees can be picked by anybody. However, the final decisions are made by historians, educators and other individuals - No kids though!

To nominate your favorite toy or to check out if your favorite toy is in the Hall of Fame go to,,

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  • lolwutover 9 years
    A stick. A STICK WON LAST YEAR. Oh well, the game boy is awesome, go play it.
    • RandomGuyalmost 10 years
      Game Boy= Second best handheld ever made First is 3ds Best game is PKMN
      • pkmnmcpro
        pkmnmcproalmost 10 years
        My favorite device is my game boy. I spent 72 hours on pokemon yellow.
        • bibliophile
          bibliophilealmost 10 years
          • happypug12
            happypug12almost 10 years
            I don't have a game boy, but I do collect Pokemon! I need Rapidash or Ponyta!
            • nikukyu
              nikukyualmost 10 years
              I used to love Pokemon! I watched the cartoon in English. But Pokemon isn't really famous in my grade... Everyone knows it, but not really everyone likes it, so I'm glad kids in other countries like it!
              • happypug12
                happypug12almost 10 years
                Did you collect the cards or play the game? I collect the cards. : )
                • nikukyu
                  nikukyualmost 10 years
                  I collected stickers and watched the anime. My brother did games on his Nintendo though!
                  • happypug12
                    happypug12almost 10 years
                    nikukyu, do you have a favorite Pokemon? I have a friend who has the rare Japanese version of Pikachu. This rare card is completely in Japanese!
            • pkmnmcpro
              pkmnmcproover 10 years
              The Game Boy Advance is my favorite system to play on. I always played pokemon ruby or leaf green.
              • superman332
                superman332about 10 years
                I like to play pokemon emerald for the gba on my ds lite at my mom's
              • luna_m00n
                luna_m00nover 11 years
                I love Game Boys way better than D.S. i like all the older games compared to the new ones (except for COD Black Ops and Assassins Creed :3) but games like Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask are awesome!
                • Ninjaover 11 years
                  i have have a collection of video games, i also got that.
                  • swirlylollypops
                    swirlylollypopsover 12 years
                    • liljotoalmost 13 years
                      i am joto and i know it