Happy Valentine's Day

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On this Valentine's Day, we bring you the story of Lisha, an amazingly big-hearted, nine-year old Labrador. While Lisa has no pups of her own, she has been a surrogate mother to baby animals of almost every species, including a porcupine!

Lisha, who lives at the Cango Wildlife Reserve in South Africa, has always been drawn to baby animals, irrespective of their species. According to the Directors of the Reserve, Nadine and Rob Hall, if Lisha sees an animal being brought to her in a box, she automatically assumes it needs to be taken care of and takes them under her wing, by licking them.

So far, she has been a surrogate mother to over 30 animals, which include some kittens, a porcupine named spiky, and even a baby hippo.

Currently, she is mom to three one-month old tiger cubs, whose mother rejected them at birth. Of course, given that the three may soon start to view the unsuspecting Lisha as dinner, they will not be allowed to stay with her too long. But so far, they all seem quite happy with the arrangement.

While Lisha is exceptionally big-hearted, Labradors are generally very good company and make great pets.They are extremely intelligent, gentle, good-natured and energetic animals - no wonder they are the most popular dog breed in the United States and United Kingdom. Happy Valentine's Day!

Source: The Sun.co.uk, DailyMail.Co.uk

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  • animal lover about 11 years
    Animal love
    • animal lover about 11 years
      So cute!!!!!!!!!! Dog power!
      • KITTY Perry 101about 11 years
        • lionsrcute1
          lionsrcute1about 11 years
          I know this is sort of an old- I mean really old article, I just thought it would be right to say- HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! (well tomorrow, right?....)
          • divaabout 11 years
            Awwwwwwwwwwwww so cute
            • foxsloveabout 11 years
              its a fun game
              • foxsloveabout 11 years
                hey this is so cute
                • graciegoodgood
                  graciegoodgoodover 11 years
                  so cute!!!!!!!!
                  • evover 11 years
                    i have a one year old golden retriver
                    • dog loverover 11 years
                      that's so adorable! I have a golden lab and he is such a sweetheart!