Video Of The Week - Your Life In Jellybeans

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You may have often heard your parents say 'life is short' - But to most of you the average American lifespan of 79 years or 28,835 days probably feels like an eternity. However, break it down into the chunks of time you spend doing mundane things like eating, drinking, sleeping or working and you will realize that as usual, they are right!

To make it easy to visualize, ZeFrank, who is known for his thought-provoking YouTube videos took data compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and used it to create a fascinating one with 28,835 jellybeans representing each day of an average American's life. He started by removing 5,475 beans or 15 years - the time it takes to get to adulthood.

Then began the fun part of removing chunks of beans that adults spend on various day-to-day activities - 8,477 sleeping, 1,635 eating (includes buying and preparing food), 3,202 working, 1099 commuting . . . and the list goes on. By the time he is done, there are about 3,000 or 8 years worth of beans left - the number of days that most us have to make a difference! Suddenly 79 does not seem like a big number does it? So stop procrastinating and start living - Life is really short and . . . sweet!


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  • KIT :Pover 10 years
    WOW! the video was very toucing and i hope to watch more just like it
    • hairball5over 10 years
      =( is all I can say.
      • Kitty katover 10 years
        • epicologistover 10 years
          i dont like jellybeans, couldnt he have used gummies?
          • royals
            royalsover 10 years
            • unknownover 10 years
              i like how fast they work and 79 years does not seem that long anymore!!!!!! :( .-.
              • nashliel
                nashlielover 10 years
                that is so cool
                • currenteventv
                  currenteventvover 10 years
                  wow. shockingly a downer
                  • sweetypieover 10 years
                    I am with you edmodo
                    • sad to knowover 10 years
                      It's sad cool and interesting Hopefully it encourages people to make a difference each day, whether its makin someone smile or something big word wide, its still a difference a small difference is big live like there is no tomorrow eight years isnt enough to put away life for later