Video Of The Week - Italian Sailors Rescue Adorable Puppy Lost At Sea

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Photo Credit: RYCC dog rescue (YouTube screen capture)

On October 24th, a group of sailors from the RYCC Savoia yacht club in Naples, Italy were enjoying a beautiful day on the water when they noticed an animal swimming toward them. Upon getting closer, they realized it was a tiny puppy that was holding on for dear life in the freezing waters of the Gulf of Naples.

With some clever maneuvering, they managed to get close enough to the shivering animal and scoop it up. The rescuers took the puppy back to shore and were contemplating what to do with it when they heard from its frantic owner.

Photo Credit: RYCC Savio via Facebook

It turns out that puppy who was called Noodle had been traveling on a ferry earlier that morning from the Italian Island of Ischia when it escaped from its leash and fell overboard. While the incident was reported to the boat operators, they were not very helpful and told the distraught owners that the adorable Labrador retriever had most likely drowned. Fortunately, neither Noodle nor its parents were ready to give up as quickly!


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  • ftrcyf cfover 5 years
    awww poor thing
    • da'niya789over 5 years
      that is cute!
      • horse lover #1over 5 years
        • #elephant loverover 5 years
          so cute puppies are so awesome
          • Puppyloverover 5 years
            Awwwww!!! So sweet!!!😍
            • guineapiggy
              guineapiggyover 5 years
              Aww... So sweet! On the news you constantly hear things about us humans and our capability of destroying life and this story stands as proof that humans can, in fact, preserve lives.
              • Dreamover 5 years
                • Leanne Foxover 5 years
                  this is so sweet. i feel so sorry for that small, tiny, adorable lovely animal
                  • alien kid 77890over 5 years
                    so cute, i wish i had that dog.
                    • Puppies4lifeover 5 years
                      I know, right?