Scary Study Reveals Spiders Can Hear You Shrieking From Across The Room!

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Adult male Phidippus audax spider (Photo Credit: By Opoterser (Own work) CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons)

The next time you shriek at the sight of a spider, be aware that the arachnid can hear you loud and clear from as far as away as 10-feet! The surprising discovery by Cornell University researchers adds to the already impressive list of arachnid attributes that includes superior vision and ability to weave intricate webs.

Right about now, you are probably wondering how this is even possible given that spiders do not have ears. It turns out they do not need them. The arachnids use the minuscule hair on their legs to perceive vibrations through the air, or via the ground and walls, and convert them into neural activity. While this has been known for some time, scientists had always believed that the hearing capability extended to vibrations just a few centimeters, or a “spider’s length” away.

Gil Menda, the co-author of the study published in Current Biology on October 13, says the team stumbled upon the spider’s hearing prowess accidentally. The researchers were studying the Phidippus audax, a type of jumping spider they thought relied completely on sight and vibrations felt through objects like leaves or floorboards. However, when Menda’s chair squeaked, the metal microelectrodes implanted in the spider’s poppy-seed-sized brain registered the firing of its neurons, indicating that the arachnid had “heard” the sound.

Jumping spider. Photo Credit: Gil Menda and the Hoy lab)

To test if that was the case, Menda and his colleague Paul Shamble, now at Harvard, clapped right next to the spider, and then further and further out. Sure enough, its neurons kept firing until they were about 10-feet away! To confirm the spider was responding to the claps and not other air vibrations, the researchers conducted the experiment in an echo-free chamber and obtained similar results. “We were very surprised,” says Menda, “Our studies extended the range of auditory sensitivity to more than 3 meters – over 350 body lengths – for our spiders.”

The team then explored whether the leg hairs were indeed related to hearing by putting a water droplet on the spider’s legs. Sure enough, the moisture blocked the tiny hairs from sensing the vibrations, causing the spider to temporarily lose its “hearing” ability.

Jumping Spider (Photo Credit: Gil Menda and the Hoy lab)

Menda and his team also discovered that the spiders “froze” when exposed to low-frequency sounds that resembled a hum or buzz (80 to 130 hertz). Further investigation revealed that this is the wingbeat frequency of their biggest predatorsparasitoid wasps and flies. This means that spiders did not evolve this acute sense of hearing to eavesdrop on humans. They were just trying to stay alive!

While the research was conducted on jumping spiders, the team has since found that other spider species have the same “hearing” capabilities. Whether you think this is creepy or cool, one thing is for sure: there’s a lot more to the eight-legged creatures than spinning webs and featuring in Halloween decorations.


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  • fat almost 6 years
    FAT SPiders
    • RuOk?almost 6 years
      spider are really cool spices
      • MADDOXalmost 6 years
        • Nature Loveralmost 6 years
          Spiders are in Harry Potter but they all die which is very sad! Im working on catching some spiders after school, and there going to hopefully look like the first one in the video!
          • Nature Loveralmost 6 years
            Spiders are so awsome and really cool to look at but the best part is how they can listen. Its very suprising! AWSOME!!!!!!!!
            • savagealmost 6 years
              i love spiders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
              • wolfie_360
                wolfie_360almost 6 years
                • lilpump1234
                  lilpump1234almost 6 years
                  i like different kinds of spiders that look cool to me.
                  • gen15
                    gen15almost 6 years
                    spiders are very cute to me(but thats just me)
                    • EPE_101almost 6 years
                      The girls are faking that these spiders are cute. I'm not being mean, but it's pretty obvious that u are trying to hard. They are magnificent creatures, but I mean.... come on. How are these things CUTE?!