Can An Elevated Bus Solve China's Traffic Woes?

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Photo Credit: CCTV/YouTube

To state that China has traffic issues is an understatement. A 2015 study conducted by navigation system maker TomTom revealed that the country is home to five of the top twenty most traffic congested cities in the world. Though Chinese authorities have tried to control the traffic flow with tactics that range from charging road tolls to building expressways with 50 lanes, nothing appears to be working. Now, some engineers are proposing an ingenious solution to ease the country’s traffic woes — An elevated bus that glides over cars

The concept for the “straddling” or elevated bus was first introduced six years ago at the 2010 China Beijing International High-Tech Expo. However, while the idea generated a lot of excitement, the bus never became a reality due to safety concerns. Since then, Song Youzhou and his team have been working hard to perfect the design.

Photo Credit: CCTV/YouTube

The new and improved Transit Elevated Bus (TEB) that was unveiled at the 19th China Beijing International High-Tech Expo on May 22, is a cross between a subway and a bus. Designed to run on rails, it covers two lanes. However because the bus is elevated 2-meters (6.5-feet) above the road, it allows vehicle traffic to continue flowing unabated. Retractable ramps enable commuters to board and disembark the bus at predesignated stations.

The inventors believe that with a capacity to accommodate up to 1,400 passengers at a time and a maximum speed of 60 km per hour, the TEB is a better and cheaper alternative to subways. According to Youzhou, each elevated bus will cost about $4.5 million USD or about sixteenth the price of building a new subway.

Photo Credit: CCTV/YouTube

Also, thanks to its large passenger capacity, deploying just a single TEB would be enough to replace 40 conventional buses. Besides reducing road congestion, eliminating the buses would help alleviate another big problem the country is grappling with — Pollution. That’s because the TEB is powered by solar energy and electricity, not fossil fuels. Youzhou estimates that replacing 40 buses could cut fuel consumption by 800 tons, and carbon emissions, by 2,500 tons annually!

Though some critics are still opposed to the idea, officials of the coastal city of Qinhuangdao seem to be willing to give it a try. They have commissioned the TEB team to build a 12-mile track to test the innovative bus. If everything goes according to schedule, the bus will be ready for its first passengers by the end of summer!


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  • legolover100
    legolover100over 5 years
    • Wyatt SHOWTIMEover 5 years
      • OmegaWolfSkyover 5 years
        this is a great invention, but it could cause a few crashes if the person in the car doesn't know to turn
        • bobalmost 6 years
          the big truck's will not fit under the thing. and how is it powered.and how dose it go.
          • blueassasain
            blueassasainalmost 6 years
            Does it just push them to the side
            • Zac_Da_Gameralmost 6 years
              i like it the idea, but what about tall vehicles?
              • softball_200727
                softball_200727almost 6 years
                where do they go? The back of it is shut.
              • wolfdog
                wolfdogalmost 6 years
                It's a nice concept, but it needs to be tweaked ALOT before it is finally safe. It can easily be flipped over, and it is STILL not high enough to pass through large cargo trucks without scrapping the roof.
                • dondonlong
                  dondonlongabout 6 years
                  Woah that is AWESOME! Now there will be less traffic and these are powered by electricity which in the video said that that will reduce carbon emissions.
                  • MinecraftGirlYTabout 6 years
                    Now there's no trafiic YAY! :)