Minecraft May Finally Be Coming To US Schools

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Photo Credit: Minecraft: Education Edition

Shortly before the school year ended in June, 1,700 American kids got to do what most students can only dream of — play video games in class. No, the 100 educators that allowed this were not slacking off. They were helping Microsoft beta test a new Minecraft Education Edition, which the company plans to offer to schools across the globe within the next few weeks.

While the computer game, which challenges kids to use their imagination by building futuristic virtual worlds, has been offered in Swedish schools since 2013, it has not been widely embraced by educators elsewhere. But project director Deirdre Quarnstrom believes that this new education version, where students get to create their own stories and games, will be a huge success with both student and teachers.

Photo Credit: education.minecraft.net

Of course, the classroom version will have some differences from the traditional game you might play at home. Non-player characters, placed into the game by teachers, will provide guidance and narration, while a chalkboard will allow them to write instructions. A control panel called Classroom Mode will enable educators to grant students access to resources, monitor their location, send messages, and even teleport students to the right place should they wander off or get lost. Teachers unfamiliar with the game can select from numerous pre-created immersive lesson plans that range from exploring the Temple of Artemis to modeling biodiversity loss.

For educators concerned that bringing video games into the classroom might reduce classroom collaboration, there is a multi-player mode. Using this, students can enter other’s games and help their peers solve an issue they may be struggling with or test out new ideas.

Photo Credit: education.minecraft.net

However, while these features add more structure and allow teachers to give specific assignments, students still have complete freedom to use their imagination and creativity to program a game based on their interest, whether it’s a science-fiction movie or their favorite fantasy series. Quarnstrom says Microsoft has kept the game “pure” to ensure kids (aged 5 and above) have an authentic Minecraft experience." The director believes that "a lot of what creates that kind of magical educational experience is the no-rules sandbox environment. Students really feel inspired to keep going and set up their own challenges, which is exactly what educators want to see."

The students and teachers fortunate to be selected for the June beta test seem to agree. 13-year-old Elena Rezac, who built a quest-driven maze inspired by the science fiction movie,"The Maze Runner,” says that the game is “lots of fun because you can do whatever you want." Her teacher, Steve Isaacs, approves of the game because it encourages students to be inventive. The educator says that the game’s varied choices allow every kid to find an area where he/she can succeed.

Photo Credit: education.minecraft.net

The Minecraft Education Edition that is expected to cost between $1 to $5 a student, will be launched sometime this month. Meanwhile, educators can introduce gaming to their classrooms by signing up for the beta version. While it doesn’t have all the features of the final product, it is a good way how students engage with this popular video game, without paying a dime.

Resources: Fastcompany.com,the verge.com,cnnmoney.com

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  • firestarwarrior
    I play it all the time. What are your best loot? mine is full netherite gear and 47 diamonds.
    • oreocookie64
      oreocookie648 months
      I NEED this in my school i really hope it actually comes to my school.
      • spacer
        spacer8 months
        I love it! I have Minecraft on my computer and I am building a village on just water, it is so FUN!!!
        • summer_beach
          summer_beach9 months
          I love this! I have a game similar to minecraft and it is my most favorite game, me and my cosins are building a city together! Its so fun!
          • maikah000
            maikah00010 months
            minecraft is my favorite video game ever
            • noah800262
              noah80026210 months
              I like playing Minecraft
              • wobatujitemi
                wobatujitemi10 months
                i like minecraft personally I'm glad they brought it to school so kids like me can see what it is
                • byritifudoho
                  byritifudoho10 months
                  this is cool
                  • mango_leaf_18
                    mango_leaf_1810 months
                    This is such good news to me because kids might be able to now enjoy minecraft like me personally I am obsessed with minecraft!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    • eystreem
                      eystreem10 months
                      Same here bro so many of the YouTube's I watch are minecraft channels
                    • logan116
                      logan116about 1 year
                      I want to do that too! It seems FUN!!