The US FCC Repeals Net Neutrality

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As had been widely anticipated, on Thursday, December 14, the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted 3-2 to repeal the net neutrality regulations put in place by the agency two years ago. Why should you care? Because if critics are right, it may hinder your ability to access your favorite social media apps, play video games, or stream movies.

Introduced by President Obama in 2015, the net neutrality law required Internet Service Providers (ISPs) like AT&T and Comcast to treat all Internet data equally. This meant Comcast could not throttle the speed of competitors like Netflix to make its own streaming service more desirable. Large companies could also not gain an unfair advantage over smaller ones by paying additional fees to the service providers.

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Thursday’s decision, what the FCC refers to as “Restoring Internet Freedom,” removes the restrictions and gives service providers the freedom to prioritize their own sites, apps, and streaming services. The FCC believes the repeal will shift control of the Internet from the government to the providers, allowing for more innovation and economic stimulation. Commission Chairman Ajit Pai, who had always maintained the government overstepped its boundaries when they introduced the law in 2015, says, “We are helping consumers and promoting competition. Broadband providers will have more incentive to build networks, especially in underserved areas.”

Critics worry the reversal will enable ISPs to regulate internet speeds and control what consumers can access. They could potentially also censor content they do not wish customers to see. The biggest concern, however, is that broadband providers will introduce tiered internet pricing. For example, Comcast customers may have to pay more for streaming services from Netflix or Amazon, rather than Hulu, which the ISP partially owns. This means that affluent families would be able to access more services and faster Internet services than those that cannot afford to pay the higher prices.

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The service providers could also start charging companies a toll to make their content available. Should this happen, naysayers maintain it will provide an unfair advantage for larger companies like Google and Amazon and severely impact smaller businesses that cannot afford the extra cost.

Meanwhile, the ISPs are assuring consumers that they will not engage in any unfair practices. Also, the “Restoring Internet Freedom” act requires them to disclose if they do prioritize some sites or companies over others. This means their actions will be closely watched. Even if they do decide to discriminate, it will take some time before consumers feel any impact, given that the rules have to be approved by the White House Office of Management and Budget, which could take several months. The issue could also be tied up in courts for several years due to lawsuits filed by Attorney Generals from several states. Finally, there is the slim possibility that New York Senator Charles Schumer’s effort to get the repeal reversed under the Congressional Review Act will be approved. While no one knows what will happen next, one thing is for sure – the net neutrality debate is far from over, so stay tuned!


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  • blehblahbloopalmost 7 years
    Honestly this is the worst thing that happened since school was made.
    • CHEESE!!!almost 7 years
      Will use it as current event though, lol
      • NetUser 500almost 7 years
        I think this a really unfair concept. The repeal of net neutrality will lead to having the internet providers getting more money. I know for a fact that Ajit Pai worked as a Verizon lawyer and this definitely benefits them. This repeal will lead to the people not getting the freedom they deserve and companies asking for money. This will lead to more money for them and less for the people. What Ajit Pai call freedom I call injustice to the people and small companies. The ban is clearly unfair, I don’t know how Congress voted on this law. This clearly gives them money. I am against this, they have taken away are freedom on them internet. Like Patrick Henry said “ Give me freedom or give me death,” but in this case, “Give me net or take my freedom of searching.
        • EpicSaucealmost 7 years
          I love having fun on the internet and if they get rid of this than the internet would be boring
          • Amyalmost 7 years
            • ?almost 7 years
              What would you choose, a chance at being rich or having fun on the internet? You can also use your ISP for wifi.
              • dorkpop2000
                dorkpop2000almost 7 years
                Very unfair, looks like nowadays the only important thing is money. Now this is affecting what we want to watch and what quality we want to watch it in. I don’t want to watch a video buffering every 10 seconds! Why must we have to put up with that? Worst of all, we now have to pay for websites! Websites! This is a horrible idea and soon families will have no choice but to hardly use the websites they love again. I am very disappointed that people care so much about money and are crazy enough to take away our beautiful privilege, Net Neutrality.
                • skyriderflyalmost 7 years
                  Excuse me,but the Internet keeps us sane
                  • ???almost 7 years
                    Why did they have to do this? This is unfair for us.
                    • WHYalmost 7 years
                      Wait, so not only do we have to pay for bills and internet, but also websites? R U SERIOUS!!!!!
                      • riman_06
                        riman_06almost 7 years
                        wait WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's insane
                        • specialist
                          specialistalmost 7 years
                          Well the people who made the websites have to pay to keep them on the internet. So the only thing that changes is that now, the VIEWER has to pay.