Your Next Smartphone May Have A Self-Healing Screen

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Photo Credit: Pexels CC0

While smartphones continue to get increasingly sophisticated and resilient, the same cannot be said about the display screen. The Gorilla Glass cover used for most high-end cell phones tends to shatter easily, leaving owners with little choice but to pay for an expensive replacement screen or buy a new device altogether. However, this issue may soon be a thing of the past thanks to a new self-healing, Wolverine-inspired material which automatically repairs itself within 24 hours.

Dr. Chao Wang, the leading researcher of the UC Riverside team who developed the material, says, “When I was young, my idol was Wolverine from the X-Men. He could save the world, but only because he could heal himself. A self-healing material, when carved into two parts, can go back together like nothing has happened, just like our human skin. I’ve been researching making a self-healing lithium ion battery, so when you drop your cell phone, it could fix itself and last much longer.”

Testing the new polymer (Photo Credit: Wang Labs)

Cell phones with self-healing technology is not a new concept — the LG smartphone model G Flex 2, released in 2015, already has a self-healing back panel which can repair everyday scratches within minutes. However, the material is held together by hydrogen bonds that are unable to conduct electricity and hence unsuitable for display screens, given that most smartphones rely on a grid of electrodes underneath the screen. When the human finger touches the screen, a tiny electrical charge transfers to the finger to complete the circuit and tells the phone what you are trying to accomplish.

How touchscreens work (Image Credit: By Mercury13 [CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons)

To overcome the shortcoming, the UC Riverside team turned to a different kind of chemical bonding. Called ion-dipole interaction, it is a type of intermolecular force between fully charged ions and partially charged polar molecules.

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For their self-healing material, the researchers selected salt ions and a transparent polymer that can be stretched to 50 times its normal size.

To see if it worked, the scientists tore it in half. Sure enough, the dynamic bond between the ions and polymer molecules caused the torn parts to align themselves back to their original configuration within a day.

To test the material’s conductivity, the researchers created an “artificial muscle” by placing a non-conductive membrane between two layers of the newly created material. When an electric current was applied, the “artificial muscle” responded by moving, similar to how the human bicep moves upon receiving a signal from the brain.

Wang, who presented his research at the 253rd National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS) on April 4, says, “Ion-dipole interactions have never been used for designing a self-healing polymer, but it turns out that they’re particularly suitable for ionic conductors.”

Photo Credit: Wang Labs

The team now plans to work on improving the properties of the polymer so that is it durable even when exposed to harsh external conditions such as high humidity. According to Wang, previous self-healing polymers have not held up well when exposed to moisture, and therefore, not been useful for real-world applications. The optimistic researcher believes that self-healing cell phone screens will be a reality within just three years! We sure hope he is right!


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  • 29zabraham
    29zabrahamalmost 4 years
    I want a phone like that
    • ceebee
      ceebeealmost 4 years
      Woah cool!🤩😮
      • reetfortnite
        reetfortniteabout 4 years
        At least I have a phone :)
        • animereina2021
          animereina2021about 4 years
          I wish that I can have a phone... I mean... Come on parents! I am 13 after all. Ain't I responsible? I wish my parents would let me have a phone...😐
          • lulu08
            lulu08over 4 years
            So cool!😮
            • lpsbrooklyn13
              lpsbrooklyn13over 4 years
              I wish I had a phone......😐
              • prince_mm1
                prince_mm1over 4 years
                My mom says her.and my daddy are gonna buy when I get my drivers license but I am planning on buying my own ☎ before then And I have told them that Follow me @actorboy456
                • fate34
                  fate34over 4 years
                  Me too, my mom won't let me have a smart phone until I'm 18 but I'm aloud to have a blackberry mobile phone when I can pay for it👌
                  • animereina2021
                    animereina2021about 4 years
                    My parents say that I will never ever have a phone, only if I earn the money for it😯 But I think of it as a good chance to prove that I can be responsible 😊
                    • little_angel727
                      little_angel727over 4 years
                      agreed my mom says 18 but I can change her mind (hopefully) :)
                      • lpsbrooklyn13
                        lpsbrooklyn13over 4 years
                        Same I can't have a phone till I'm 18. :.(
                  • ladycool about 5 years
                    • Lolabout 5 years
                      Like buy me one
                      • Coolabout 5 years
                        Me and my friend would buy like 100 of those if they were cheep
                        • easter bunnyabout 5 years
                          wooooooow cool a phone that heals it's self awsome