Barcelona Opera House Reopens To A Sold-Out Audience Of Potted Plants!

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The UceLi Quartet performed to an audience of potted plants on June 22, 2020 (Credit:

Spain's three-month-long lockdown order imposed to curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic was finally lifted on June 22, 2020. To celebrate the joyous occasion, the Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona, Spain — one of Europe's oldest and most famous opera houses— staged its first live performance since mid-March. While every seat was occupied, there was not a human to be found. Instead, the sold-out audience comprised 2,292 potted plants carefully selected from local nurseries.

Featuring the UceLi Quartet, the performance, made available to human listeners via live-stream, was a prelude to the opera house's upcoming 2020-2021 season. In a nod to its leafy audience, the string quartet played a moving performance of Giacomo Puccini's "Crisantem" or "Chrysanthemums." Inspired by the beautiful yellow flowers, it is among a handful of instrumental works — and one of only four compositions for string quartet — penned by the famous Italian opera composer. Written in a single night, the musical arrangement pays tribute to King Amadeo of Spain — a close friend of Puccini's — who died in 1890.

After the performance, the plants were donated to 2,292 healthcare frontline workers (Credit

Unfortunately for the musicians, the audience was unable to give the mesmerizing eight-minute-long performance the standing ovation it deserved. However, its resounding "applause" — the sound of leaves and branches blowing — could be heard across the opera house.

Eugenio Ampudia, who came up with the brilliant idea of the unusual audience, said he was inspired by nature during the pandemic lockdown. The Spanish artist says, "I heard many more birds singing. And the plants in my garden and outside growing faster. And, without a doubt, I thought that maybe I could now relate in a much intimate way with people and nature."

Following the concert, the "guests" were gifted to 2,292 healthcare workers at the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona. The opera house officials said they wanted to show their appreciation for the brave men and women who have served "on the toughest front in a battle unprecedented for our generations."


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  • kitty45
    kitty45almost 4 years
    If you look really close, you'll see smiley faces made out of lights,not plants. But the plants made that opera look awesome and a giant air cleaner!
    • benedicta79
      benedicta79almost 4 years
      It is a very creative idea to put audience potted plants.
      • bookwormros
        bookwormrosalmost 4 years
        Epic and beautiful at the same time!!
        • helen0916
          helen0916almost 4 years
          I watched the video and the music is so beautiful I mean it. Thank you so much for putting a lot of effort into this lovely song!
          • shadow45
            shadow45almost 4 years
            so cool
            • ceebee
              ceebeealmost 4 years
              The music was so amazing
              • nab7
                nab7almost 4 years
                I love this because they took the time and effort to do a beautiful show!!! Thanks so much!!!!!!!!
                • rose11
                  rose11about 4 years
                  W ow
                  • aceprimeboi
                    aceprimeboiabout 4 years
                    lol no wonder plants like spain so much
                    • joonylou
                      joonylouabout 4 years
                      I hope the plants grow a lot from the wonderful music