I liked the beginning of this book, it was good. The ending was just horrible. I was so sad to see Thorn die, (I mean why?!) I think Erin Hunter could have done much better. And the fact that thorn was killed by his friend is very annoying and sad. There is too much death, as Moon (a baby elephant) gets killed by lions. It’s an okay book, but I expected better.

Bravelands #2: Code of Honor
By Erin Hunter
Heed the call of the wild…discover the second book in this action-packed animal fantasy series from the #1 bestselling author of Warriors!
★ “Deep characters, a complex plot, rich mythology, and a stunning setting. Wild and wonderful.” —Kirkus Reviews
Set in the African savannah and told from three different animals’ points of view, Bravelands will thrill readers who love Spirit Animals and Wings of Fire, as well as the legion of dedicated fans who’ve made Erin Hunter a bestselling phenomenon.
A baboon who has uncovered an act of treachery.
An elephant uncertain of her fate.
A lion poised to strike.
The code of the wild has been broken. The elephant leader known as Great Mother has been murdered. And Bravelands is on the edge of chaos. Now a young baboon, elephant, and lion must come together to discover the truth—before the fragile balance of Bravelands is destroyed forever.
Book Reviews (11)
read it. now. best book ever. The new one, oathkeeper, is by far the best
The second book in the propelling Bravelands series will make you go even deeper into the amazing world of animals fighting for survival, told in a fascinating, fictional story. Perfect for reading on a great day...you have to wait in anticipation for each page. The only thing I didn’t love about this read was the ending, because it was a little fast-paced, and felt too short. I would actually give it four and a half stars.
This book is so good. I read the whole collection of brave lands and the warriors books. 🦁
It is so sad.
I love this book it is so good it's really sad thou and SPOILERS the baboon dies and I really liked that Character. If I could I would give it a 4 and a half stars. 😍😍😍
General: Bravelands is fine, I guess. It's pretty poorly paced, and the description on the back does not match what actually happens in the story. Plus, two characters (Sky the elephant and Fearless the lion) are cliche and boring. Fearless was kicked out of his pride as a cub and the pride was taken over by a villain. THEN he runs away and is found by animals of a different species and raised by them. Sound familiar? The worst part is that he constantly acts like a heroic Simba, but every. single. time he has the opportunity to seize the pride, he gets scared and backs down. His story is basically just a back and forth argue-with-Titan (the villain)-and-then-run-away-because-I'm-a-cowardly-lion. So, even though the book says he is waiting for a moment to take back his father's pride, he honestly doesn't. Instead, he takes the cowardly way out (again) and just says, "Oh, I don't have a mane yet, I'll do it when I have a mane." Sky's life is basically just a Warriors character. It got really boring to read about her just because A. her plot was mostly just a typical Warriors book and B. The description says she is going to "find a new Great Parent" but that doesn't even happen. This book is really not reaching Erin Hunter team standards. Even some parts with Thorn the baboon felt rushed, and he was the only character I think is actually worth reading about. Even the villain in his story is really, really, REALLY annoying overpowered, and Thorn mostly just acts submissive. Thorn also is not exactly loyal to his girlfriend. And how, exactly, is he "rebelling against his destiny"? Is it by trying to be with his girlfriend when he can't because he's not the right rank?. The worst part is that Fearless could have had a chance to improve in this book, but instead (WARNING: SPOILERS!) he decides to KILL his friend, who happens to be the only character who is actually significant to the plot. The ending was also a mess. It was rushed, sloppy, and the cliffhanger felt inappropriate; Violence: Plenty. Semi-significant characters die. Animals are slaughtered by the lion villain for no reason. An elephant calf is killed out of pure bloodthirsty-ness. The baboon villain, the one who is overpowered and yet the way to defeat him is SO OBVIOUS, yet Thorn can't figure it out, kills basically everyone who gets in his way and conspires against members of his troop. A rhinoceros falls from a height and dies (thanks to the villain). The baboons fight several bruatal battles with a troop of monkeys before deciding to break the branches slightly. When the monkeys climb onto the branches, they snap and all the monkeys die of a broken neck. Eventually, all of the death becomes predictable: you die because of the baboons, the monkeys, or the lions. The baboons have something called "sweetpulp", which young baboons find a stash of. It's kind of like baboon alcohol. It is consumed multiple times. A baboon uses it to dull the pain of an injury. Thorn laces food with it to make the other baboons sleep so he can sneak away to attack the villain. There is no swearing, although they do have insults that might be their equivalent of strong language.
Well honestly it was indeed a good book, but I strongly agree with "Zoed". The end is terrible i'm not going to spoil it but I would give the book 4 and a half stars. I take off one half of the stars due to the fact that the ending was horrible because I can't imagine what book three will have, let's be honest we may as well say it will be compacted with sadness and action. Also I strongly agree for you guys to read the warriors series it is my all time favorite!
This is a great book all girls in my class are reading this. It is about a lion that is separated from his pride, a baboon that has to keep a secrete, a elephant who loves great mother even though she is died.
I liked this book up in till the end. This book is about a lion separated from his pride, A baboon that has to keep a secret, a elephant who loves great mother even though she is dead. I hope you enjoy it!