Kids News - Videos

Video of the Week - Happiness Arcade Makes Recycling Fun

Beverage manufacturer Coca Cola sure likes to keep their fans happy. In 2012, they delighted the students at the University of Singapore with a soda machine that dispensed drinks in exchange for hugs. Now, they are doing the same for the people of Bangladesh with this gaming arcade that shuns cash in favor of empty coke bottles....

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Video of the Week - Happiness Arcade Makes Recycling Fun

Video Of The Week - Baby Prince George's First Royal Engagement!

On April 7th, Prince George Alexander Louis, the nine-month-old son of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (Kate Middleton and Prince William), set off on his first foreign tour to New Zealand and Australia. The bundle of cuteness showed perfect royal demeanor when he emerged from the airplane after the long flight from London to Wellington with a bright smile and what appeared to be, his first royal wave!...

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Video Of The Week - Baby Prince George's First Royal Engagement!