The drive-thru window of a fast-food restaurant is probably the least fun place to work at - All the staff do is open the window, dish out bags of food to someone they cannot even fully see, say something polite and then wait for the next car to drive up! But what if a car drove up with nobody at the wheel?...
Read news articleMany parts of the Northern Hemisphere have experienced a rather severe winter this year. However, very few can be compared to that felt by the residents of some parts of Russia where the temperatures have dipped as low as -50°Ç - Some of the lowest recorded in the area in the last 50 years!...
Read news articleA Happy Happy 2013 to all of you! We sure hope you and your loved ones did something special to ring in the new year! Here is how it was welcomed by some of the world's biggest cities. So settle down with a cup of hot cocoa and enjoy the spectacular show!...
Read news articleJingle Cats, a group of electronically animated kittens took the world by storm when they released their first Jingle Bells medley in 1992. Since then, the group of nine cats have been meowing their way to the top of the charts every year, around this time....
Read news articleOn Tuesday December 18th, the web was abuzz with some sensational news - A toddler playing in a park in Montreal, Canada had been suddenly scooped up by a massive golden eagle, taken for a quick spin and then, dropped back safely - All in broad daylight ! Of course, to prove that it really happened the whole incident was caught on camera and downloaded on YouTube!...
Read news articleWe have all experienced how magical our the skies appear on a clear night, when they are all aglow with twinkling stars. However, have you ever wondered how Earth looks from the skies when millions of lights from its residents are all shining in the night? Now, thanks to some amazing footage from NASA, you have to wonder no more....
Read news articleWith just 22 days left before the big day, Christmas trees are starting to light up in cities all around the world. While each one is stunning in its own way, some are really outstanding, like this floating creation that is an annual tradition at Rio de Janeiro's, Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon, since 1996....
Read news articleAfter PSY's Gangnam Style video went viral on YouTube, many people have tried to recreate the South Korean singer's magic with their parodies. However, nobody can even come close to his latest fan - A cockatoo!...
Read news articleHow would you react if the floor in the elevator you are in, suddenly collapses giving you the feeling that you are going to fall into a deep dark abyss. That is the prank that South Korean technology company LG apparently pulled on some unsuspecting riders recently....
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