Kids News - Videos

Video Of The Week - Think Your Winter Is Cold?

Many parts of the Northern Hemisphere have experienced a rather severe winter this year. However, very few can be compared to that felt by the residents of some parts of Russia where the temperatures have dipped as low as -50°Ç - Some of the lowest recorded in the area in the last 50 years!...

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Video Of The Week - Think Your Winter Is Cold?

Video Of The Week - The Sparkling Planet That We Call Home

We have all experienced how magical our the skies appear on a clear night, when they are all aglow with twinkling stars. However, have you ever wondered how Earth looks from the skies when millions of lights from its residents are all shining in the night? Now, thanks to some amazing footage from NASA, you have to wonder no more....

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Video Of The Week - The Sparkling Planet That We Call Home