i do not have it yet. :\

Dude Diary 3.0 Write Stuff, Draw Random Things, Destroy If Needed
By Mickey Gill, Cheryl Gill
DUDE Diary versions 1 and 2 just weren't enough for non-diary keeping dudes everywhere. So DUDE Diary is back by popular demand and 3.0 is oozing at the seams with more of the awesome and absurd. As always, this epic non-diary can be kept safe behind lock and key and KEEP OUT tape."
Publisher: Fine Print Publishing
ISBN-13: 9781892951625
ISBN-10: 1892951622
Published on 11/2/2012
Binding: Diary
Book Reviews (3)
my uncle ordered the book but he does not know whens the shipping
i really want to read this book so that i cant can get more points but every time i put in my code its not going true