i want the book so badly

Pokémon: Mystery Dungeon (Pokemon)
By Makoto Mizobuchi
Book Reviews (11)
All I gotta say, MUDKIP!!!
Pokemon is awesome better than anything
that looks epic and I thank it would be a great show.
who has pokemon cards?
A good , well detailed info of this book
This book tells a story that gives a good, detailed storyline of pokemon red and blue rescue team video games for the game boy advance, as a graphic novel.
its about a person that turn into a pokemon because of a curse.he makes friend with a mudkip and started to explore with him.then gengar a pokemon says that the guy had the curse and caused the natural disaster.i think its a great book.you should read it
This book follows Ginji, a young boy about to turn ten as he wakes up as a torchic for some reason! He meets a mudkip, and the two go off to create a rescue team and to find out how to get Ginji back to normal.