If I Stay

If I Stay

By Gayle Forman

53 ratings 88 reviews 131 followers
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 9 - 12Grades 4 - 6Z+5.349653
In a single moment, everything changes. Seventeenyear- old Mia has no memory of the accident; she can only recall riding along the snow-wet Oregon road with her family. Then, in a blink, she fi nds herself watching as her own damaged body is taken from the wreck...

A sophisticated, layered, and heartachingly beautiful story about the power of family and friends, the choices we all make—and the ultimate choice Mia commands.

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
ISBN-13: 9781514333860
ISBN-10: 1514333864
Published on 6/12/2015
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 102

Book Reviews (88)

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Have you ever felt powerless like you can't do anything that's how Mia felt I read the book "If I Stay" By: Gayle Forman this book really makes you feel like you are living in the book. The antagonist in this book is Mia she is facing a huge part of her life that is going to change it forever. It will never go back to how it used to be. The protagonist is the car crash and her life, because her life has changed from of the car crash.This book was amazing it has a lot of great characters. My favorite character is Mia she is very energetic and is very out going. She is faced with the the biggest part in her life. A car crash her dreams of being a famous cello are shattered. I liked this book because it has flashbacks from before the crash how her life was perfect with adem and the party's she went to and how he was in a band. But during that she was also facing her life.This book starts with Mia in her kitchen talking with her mom. Mia is faced with her and adam the very complicated relationship. Another problem of Mia's is trying to find the right college she is going to go to. Trying to get into collages was easy for Mia! But she had to tryout for all them so at the end she just stops thinking about it and takes her mind of it. This book was really amazing just because of how the author wrote it. I would definitely recommend this book for everyone

The movie was sad and amazing I really want these series in my possession. The story itself is a great idea. I hope to read it soon.

the book is amazing and the movie is also!!

The book if I stay by gayle Forman is about a girl named Mia who plays the cello and gets in a bad car accident. One day Mia's school gets cancelled so her and her family go to visit some friends. On the way there they get in a bad car accident and Mia's whole life will change. Once Mia is in the hospital she is in a coma and has to decide if she should stay and wake up a orphan or go with the rest of her family. My opinion on this book is that it's really good even though it can be sad at some points. I did not want to stop reading it and it left you at very exciting cliff hangers. This book is realistic fiction because anyone could get in a car accident or have to make a very big decision about their life. I think internal/external conflict showed in this book is man vs man because Mia has to make a decision about her life and is going against herself on if she should stay or go. This also showes man vrs society because everyone wants Mia to stay but she dose not know what to do. People who should read this book are people who like suspenseful stories and really realistic books. Other people who would like this book are people who could Maybe relate to it. I would definitely recommend this book.

The book I read was, "If I Stay," by Gayle Forman. "If I Stay," is about a high school student named Mia who suffers a tragic car accident along with her mother, father, and younger brother, Teddy. Throughout the book, Mia tells in her point of view what is happening around her and how her and her family are doing in the hospital. Mia includes certain memories that were important to her, such as memorable times with her family and experiences with her boyfriend. My opinion about this book is that it is an excellent book. I think this because the author wrote this book carefully and precisely, so that you feel as if you are actually in the book, watching everything happen through the eyes of Mia. This book is realistic fiction because suffering an extreme car accident, along with other events in the book, is something that could happen. Yet, nothing in this book actually did happen in real life, making this book realistic fiction. I believe that this book can be read by both girls and boys (but girls would probably prefer it more than boys) and would be enjoyed by someone who doesn't mind reading a sad story. I think this because "If I Stay," is not a gender-based book and nor is it a happy one.

Great movie too! Awesome review!

I have seen and own the movie and I want to read it next...

it is very sad such a great book I am on an amazing part right now you have to read it :) :) :) :)

Great books, very sad, very romantic. ♥

its a really good book and so far im on the part where they all ready crashed and her parents died.Its not the same as the movie

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