Love, Stargirl

Love, Stargirl

By Jerry Spinelli

18 ratings 29 reviews 49 followers
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Grades 9 - 12Grades 2 - 8V3.860904

The New York Times bestselling sequel to Newbery Medalist Jerry Spinelli’s modern-day classic Stargirl!

Love, Stargirl picks up a year after Stargirl ends and reveals the new life of the beloved character who moved away so suddenly at the end of Stargirl. The novel takes the form of "the world's longest letter," in diary form, going from date to date through a little more than a year's time. In her writing, Stargirl mixes memories of her bittersweet time in Mica, Arizona, with involvements with new people in her life.

In Love, Stargirl, we hear the voice of Stargirl herself as she reflects on time, life, Leo, and - of course - love.


Don’t miss Jerry Spinelli’s latest novel, The Warden’s Daughter, about another girl who can't help but stand out.
“Spinelli is a poet of the prepubescent. . . . No writer guides his young characters, and his readers, past these pitfalls and challenges and toward their futures with more compassion.” —The New York Times

Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers
Published on 4/28/2009
Binding: Paperback
Number of pages: 288

Book Reviews (29)

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i love this book i even did a book report on it.

Star girl is a teenager who is nice and creative. She has moved away from Mika, Arizona because she did not fit in her school. She is writing a letter to her boyfriend, Leo. She started writing from January frirst, and it ends on winter solstice-almost year long. It is a amazing story with words that are worth quoting, such as " Star people do not shed tears, but light."

The sequel to a truly amazing love story!

This book is probably one of my favorites of books i have read this year! This book is in Stargirl's point of view, unlike in the 1st book it's Leo's point of view. Love Stargirl is an excellent book. I recommend this book to people who want a book that is beautiful but a little sad.

I LOVE this book! If you like realistic fiction, you should definitely read it. I am in the fifth grade but I liked it despite the age level.

Me too... I loved it!! You can cry and laugh at the same time.

This book is not really that interesting. Some parts are funny but most of the book is pretty booring. If you like Stargirl you might like this book.

this book is long but it is a good book

Nice book!

I finished Stargirl around last month. I say it is a realistic fiction book because it has everyday people doing everyday things. The protagonist in the story is Leo Borlock. Leo goes to Mica High school. The book is actually revolves around one peculiar girl named Susan or Stargirl or HullyGully whatever suits her. Stargirl is very strange and... different. I like this book because it shows how we, as people, like to shun others because they are different. We see some one act a certant way and asume that everyone should be like that. Instead of being ourselfs we try to be like everyone else. And when we do see someone act as they should we make fun of them or not enclude them in our groups or clicks. I think this book can really help us treat others right. Just like Archie says in the book, "she is us more than we are us. She is , I think, who we really are." I believe this book is amazing and it moved me hopefully it moved anyone who read it.