The Brilliant World of Tom Gates

The Brilliant World of Tom Gates

By Liz Pichon

35 ratings 55 reviews 50 followers
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 4 - 8Grades 2 - 5S415304

The top-selling U.K. series for middle-grade readers now crosses the pond!

Meet Tom Gates. When his teachers don’t have their beady eyes on him, he likes to draw pictures and write about stuff, like last summer’s worst camping vacation ever (five merits!), or how much he hates sitting next to nosy Marcus Meldrew, the most annoying boy at school. All Tom really wants is to score tickets to see the best band ever, Dude3, when they come to town, and to impress Amy Porter, who is very nice and smart (but is currently ignoring him). Tom’s teachers think he is easily distracted and "lacks focus," but that’s a bit harsh?—?can he help it if his grumpy big sister, Delia, made him late for school (again), or that last night’s homework had to be sacrificed to stave off a vicious dog attack? Master of excuses, creative storyteller, and middle-school comedian extraordinaire, Tom Gates is guaranteed to get kids turning the pages?—?and keep them laughing.

Publisher: Scholastic Press
ISBN-13: 9781407170985
ISBN-10: 1407170988
Published on 9/1/2016
Binding: Hardcover
Number of pages: 256

Book Reviews (57)

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I thought this book was okay. If you like picture books/comics. It reminds me of the James patterson books. It was funny and I learned a lot of U.K. vocabulary. I feel like this book is meant for children who are just learning how to read

this book is awesome! tom gates is the main character and he has a sister named Delia who is really mean and really funny in the story. and also tom gates has has a friend named Derek who always gets him late to school so in class he tells his teacher Mr.Fullerman it was Delia's fault like any other kids would do. and there in a band named Dog Zombies. (cool name). i really like tom gates, hes one of those kids who leaves everything to the last minute and who wants to impress this girl who (Amy Porter) who Mr.Fullerman tom as he put him in the front row right by her. tom wants to invite her to the greatest band ever dude 3 , he gets tickets but it gets destroy by something and something comes him and saves him but who? to find out you need to read the book to see what happens.......


This book is awesome and i dont know how i never heard about it it is such a great book and there is such stuff that no one would understand like.... have you ever seen a bannanna on a pizza?well if you read this book you will it is awesome and you should read it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pogonono pogonono

AWSOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOOK ISTHE BEST =)

This book had me laughing throughout the whole story. Honestly this book was hilarious, it had cool and cute doodles and captions with different types of fonts... it also reminded me of the Diary of the Wimpy Kid series, but this book was more hectic and funnier in my opinion. Tom Gate(reminds me of Bill Gates :D) Is our typical average guy who likes to draw. doesn't like to do homework, and annoys his sister. On the first day of school he got a guy teacher, Mr. Fullerman, put him right in the front right next to Amy Porter(a girl he's trying to impress) and Marcus Meldrew(one annoying little kid[although he's not little]). His best mate is Derek who he's in a band with called the DOGZOMBIES, and they live close to each other. Tom writes all about his life even about the no-so-fun camping trip! I really liked the character, Mr. Fullerman, because he play a significant and funny role. Once Tom got his Dude3 tickets.. his tickets got destroyed by a (*spoiler*) Will he ever be able to see the Dude3? Who or what destroyed the tickets? Well it's up to you to read and find out. I URGE you guys to read it, trust me it's soooooo hilarious, such a cute, funny read.

I loved this book so so so so so so so so so so so much!!!!!! It is a great realistic fiction story. It is about a kid who has an annoying sister and is trying to get a girl named Amy's attention, but that is not working out very well. I think this book is unique because it has silly pictures, features silly people, and is good for boys and girls. My favorite character is Tom because he is funny, he's always interesting, and he never be's mean.(Not counting eating candy, rewrapping it and making it look like its still there). (He only does that to his sister though). I recommend this book to kids age 6,7,8 and up so they can understand it. I hope you like this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



joseph joseph

I think this book is healereous,

Ivy Ivy


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