The Report Card by Andrew Clements

The Report Card by Andrew Clements

By by Andrew Clements

48 ratings 42 reviews 98 followers
Interest LevelReading LevelReading A-ZATOSWord Count
Grades 4 - 8Grades 3 - 5R4.931355
Nora is a brilliant 5th grader who doesn't want anyone to know how intelligent she is because she doesn't want to be thought of as different. When she brings home a bad report card to prove a point, the story really takes off!
Publisher: by Andrew Clements
Published on 7/12/2009
Binding: Paperback

Book Reviews (39)

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great book about a supersmart girl named Nora she's pretended she's an average person for her whole life. read this awesome book to find out what happens in the rest of the book

This is a great book!! I love it and you should totally read it! It sucks you in and you never want to put it down! (:

I really like this book.

i decided to read the book because i knew that it was probably going to be good... and it was! i love andrew clement's books

this book is about a boy,his family and his report cards. i chose the book because i love the author. i recomend this book!

this is an amazing book. And it also reminds me of my friend.

Yet another inspiring book by Mr. Clements!! I adore all of his books! I wish there were more of them, they are all so good... :P You must read it, it's one of my faves!

The book is about Nora and Stephen who have been friends since they were little. Report cards went home on friday and Stephen got pretty good grades but Nora not so much she got all Ds and one C. She not dumb she got thoses grades on purpose.

The report card is one of my favorite Andrew Clements books. Report Card is about a very smart, creative 11 year old Nora. Nora is super super super smart, but she tries to hind it even from her family. She has a smart sister and a not so bright brother. Eventually her family finds out, but before them her best friend got to know when she got angry at a kid in her class and used her smarts to burn him. Now her and her friend Stephan (stee-ven) have to find a way that grades don't matter, but this plan is not that easy to do.