I liked reading this book because it talks about the effects of everlasting life. First there is a girl named Winnie who wants to run away from home. Next she runs away to the treegap and meets Jesse Tuck. At the end a constable takes Winnie home, and accuses the Tuck's of kidnapping. This book shows why having everlasting life isn't always the greatest thing to have.

Tuck Everlasting
Interest Level | Reading Level | Reading A-Z | ATOS | Word Count |
Grades 4 - 8 | Grades 3 - 8 | W | 5 | 27848 |
The Tuck family is confronted with an agonizing situation when they discover that a ten-year-old girl and a malicious stranger now share their secret about a spring whose water prevents one from ever growing older.
Book Reviews (142)
I gave this book a two star rating because at the start it really confused me and got me off track since of how many details. I made a connection of the book by Winnie going out to explore the outside world and leave her family. Here is a whole summary, Mae Tuck goes to pick up her two sons to meet up since they do that every 10 years. Over in the Fosters' family Winnie just ran away since she doesn't like her way of living. Winnie meets the Tucks and they tell Winnie their secret of being immortal. Later on a man in a yellow suit says that the Tucks kidnapped Winnie. In return Mae kills the man in the yellow suit which make Mae sentenced to death. Once Mae was in her jail cell The Tucks and Winnie help Mae get out and replace Mae with Winnie. After the Tucks gave Winnie the spring water which makes her immortal if she drinks it, but she doesn't and decides to pour it on a frog.
This book was an enjoyable book because it explains that living forever is more than a curse than a blessing. Winnie is a ten-year-old girl who decides to run away and tumbles into the Tuck's secret of living forever. She then goes with the Tucks, but what she doesn't know is a businessman is following them,. He wants to sell the spring water and get rich. I can relate to this book when people who wants to sell me something walk up to people's door.
I gave this book a three star rating because the book was confusing to understand with many details and words I don't not know .I did enjoy and relate to Winnie who is also 11 and interested with the unknown.The Tuck family drank from the fountain of youth and end up having eternal life that they regret doing, while next to the fountain of youth Jesse finds Winnie that want to drink the unknown water, she doesn't end up doing it and stays at the Tucks house for a couple of days, while there a unknown man taking Winnie from the tucks then BOOM.What happened read the book and find out soon.
This book is about a girl meeting a family who got immortality from drinking spring water. Someone else this girl meets is a man in yellow who wants to market the spring water for a fortune. This is a unique and original story that I have never read anything like before. The book reminds me of a family that I thought was magic. They moved into my neighborhood and they had a semi truck full with Little-Debbie treats and snacks. He would always let my brother and I have some if we wanted it.
I think that this book was OK i didn't like it because it was more like a fantasy type of book and more like romance between Jesse and Winnie. The reason why i kinda like it was because it was about a girl that is 10 years old finds a family that lives forever and keep it a secret for several years. Until they told Winnie and at the time the man in the yellow suit followed Winnie and saw the tucks and knew something was off. That it is why it is interesting but what will happen next to the man in the yellow suit well he tell the whole city or would he be selfish and keep it to himself and self it.
In the book Tuck Everlasting there is a girl named Winnie. Winnie was a ten year old girl that lived in a touch me not cottage surrounded by a iron fence .One day Winnie was sitting in front of her house bored and wanted to go in the woods.She decided to walk in the woods and if she wanted to come back she would just walk back home.Once she got in the woods she saw a boy sitting against a tree on the grass flipping a twig between his toe.All of a sudden Winnie and the boy stared at each other for a while then they kept asking questions about each other.Then Mae Tuck (Jesse's mom and Jesse is the boy ) arrived with a horse to pick up Jesse but Mae needed Winnie to come too so she came with them.Then she met Miles(Jesse's brother) and then she met Mr Tuck .After spending time with the tucks she learned about the spring. Then she went back to her house but found out about Mae getting in trouble for hurting the man in the yellow suit.Winnie wanted to be helpful and save her friends so she switched places with Mae in the jail cell. I made a connection to this book because when I was younger I believed in fairy tales.
In this book there is a family named the “Tuck family”.A little bit into the story they find a 10 year old girl. They sone find out that she will live forever.The reason why she will live for ever is because… Read the book to find out.
I gave this book a 3-star rating because it wasn't my favorite book but it was very emotional. I relate to this book because I am similar to Winnie. We both want to explore the world outside our small homes. It all starts with the Tuck family. They accidentally drank from "The Fountain of Youth" and now have everlasting life, which they don't want. Winnie Foster, a ten year old girl, stumbles upon there secret and the Tucks' are forced to tell the truth to her, the first real growing human they've told their secret to. Everything gets suspicious as a shady man starts stalking the Tucks' and Winnie. Will Winnie keep the Tucks' secret? Who is this shady man stalking them? Read Tuck Everlasting to find out!
This book is a really good book if you like more of a fiction books but they are also kinda non fiction.I really liked this book because it had a really great lesson and I honestly just thought it was a good book.I really didn't connect with this book in anyway, but it was still good. The book is a little confusing though because you really have to pay attention to everything.In all this book is a really good book and I think you should read it.