Figure This

By Sona Dolasia

Figure This

Figure This offers math challenges for kids and their families. The questions fun puzzles like - if you’re the 300th person in line for a concert ticket how long would you have to wait? Other questions are more hands on, requiring you to build simple objects and compare and contrast. After you have completed the question you can click on the answer box to see if you are on the right track. Good Luck!

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  • kungpaotofu
    kungpaotofuabout 12 years
    i din't really like it... it's confusing.
    • pop106318
      pop106318about 12 years
      That`s nice!!!!
      • izzy1002
        izzy1002about 12 years
        • cupcakes123
          cupcakes123about 12 years
          wow!!! it looks amazing im surely gonna check it out!!!!!
          • ralphy34
            ralphy34about 12 years
            this website looks awsome im gona check it out
          • santana44
            santana44about 12 years
            It is not a book Sauage and Barbie girl don't judge a website by its picture. I would not reccomend this. On the challenge if you click the awnser practicly they are intristing facts that will get a kid thinking but it should have a type in box or something make them think not you just give them the awnser. Has no learning capibility but fun facts.
            • barbiegirl17
              barbiegirl17over 12 years
              this website looks fun
              • sausage
                sausageover 12 years
                this looks like a awesome book, ooooohhhhh yeah!

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