I like this book because of the story, the places and the characters. You should read it! Amazing.

The Little Prince
By Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Book Reviews (8)
I LOVE THIS book! It is litteraly my favorite book ever!
This book is beautiful and sad. I am so grateful because it was actually recommended to me on this website. The Little Prince is just about the sweetest story you could hope to find. It changed my life. The pilot at the beginning of the story did not expect that by drawing a sheep for a mysterious young boy, his life would be forever changed, but it was. When this book comes into your hands, do not take it for granted, read it with the intent to gain all of the wisdom inside it. Seek this book out, and trust me, you will be changed for the better.
I am reading the graphic novel in English and so far, it was one of the best books ever! The Little Prince Adapted by Joan Sfar
The Little Prince, written by Antoine De Saint Exupery, was first published in 1943. This book took place six years before the sahara desert time period. This book was told by a pilot. There are three chief characters. They’re the narrator which is the character who tells the beginning of the book about his own childhood, then he tells a story about him and the Little Prince meeting which soon become friends; then there's the Little Prince who is a character who is a kid from another small planet who is very lovable kid;then there's the fox who the Little Prince encounters in the desert and they both be friends later in the story. The book begins with the little prince appearing on the Sahara desert and meeting a pilot of who has accidentally landed there because his plane. Later on after getting to know one another they decide to friends, and then they meet a fox who tells them the secret of life. Then they meet the snake which is hard to understand him because he talks in riddles. Then something terrible happens pilot and the little prince are now dying of thirst, but then as they are walking through the desert they find some water and it taste good but sweet. Sadly the Little Prince said that he was leaving the next morning, one year since they left pilot went to the very spot where they met and hears the little prince’s laughter from above. My feelings throughout the book was in the beginning I felt happy about pilot finally having a friend then throughout the story I got even more happy because of all the other friends that he has met. Later towards the end I got really sad because the little prince had to go, especially when it was there one year anniversary and pilot went to the very spot where they first met and was thinking of all of the happy memories together. I did learn and I became more aware of my surroundings and to enjoy it while it’s still around. I learned that because when little prince left. I especially liked the fox in the book because he shared the secrets of life when he teaches the little prince the importance of friendship. The story had a good theme which was all about the value of friendship because throughout the story both the little prince and the pilot meet a lot of people and all those people teach a lesson but mainly the important thing is that they all learned friendship.
There really needs to be more reviews on this book.
this is one of my favorite books ever. I have an English edition and it has literally changed my entire personality. I am always quoting it and my friends don't understand. It's AMAZING!!!!
i really want to read this book because my teacher said it is one of her favorites and she also said it talks about life and the way she said it it sounded amazing
You should read it.