Kids News

Celebrating Holi, The Indian Festival Of Colors

India is home to numerous fun festivals. But few are as anticipated as Holi, the Festival of Colors. The Hindu holiday celebrates the start of spring and the victory of good over evil. The date of the event is determined by the lunar calendar and differs every year. In 2024, Holi will be observed on March 25....

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Celebrating Holi, The Indian Festival Of Colors

How The Stanley Cup Became A Must-Have Fashion Accessory

There is no shortage of reusable water bottles available to consumers. However, few can claim the popularity of the Stanley Quencher. Social media sites like TikTok are rampant with videos of individuals showing off their extensive collections or camping outside Target to get a limited edition "Stanley." Though now considered a status symbol, the company and its tumblers have been around for over a century....

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How The Stanley Cup Became A Must-Have Fashion Accessory

Groundhogs Predict An Early Spring!

Tired of winter? Then, you will be delighted to know that spring is around the corner. On February 2, 2024, aka Groundhog Day, legendary woodchuck Punxsutawney Phil failed to see his shadow. This means the year's frosty weather will soon be a distant memory....

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Groundhogs Predict An Early Spring!