"My name is Michael Vey, and I'm more electric then an electric eel. I always thought I was the only one like me, but I'm not. I just found out that there were originally seventeen of us. And the people who made us this way, the Elgen, are hunting us down. You might say we were an accident. The Elgen corporation created a machine called the MEI (short for Magnetic Electron Induction), to be used for finding diseases and abnormalities in the body. Instead it created abnormalities us." My book is called "Michael Vey Rise Of The Elgen". It was written by Richard Paul Evans. The passage I chose was " I cupped my hands together, I was making a snowball, and pulsed. To my surprise a ball of electric formed almost like a soup bubble, except with more weight, like a Ping-Pong ball." I chose this passage because I was surprised he could do that. A connection is that I have talents too. If you want a book with action this is your book. This is a five star book. I recommend this book and the first one.